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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My BIGGEST Hair Dye Pet Peeve

Most women dye their hair. This is pretty common knowledge as studies show that one in six women are unhappy with their natural color. I am among these ladies myself!

Shockingly enough, I was not born with the beautiful head of jet black hair as pictured below...

I am actually a natural blonde (more of a dirty blonde). After frying my hair trying to keep it highlighted with a beautiful honey blonde color, I decided that I'd go a little darker. My hair has been pretty much every color of the spectrum (even the very unflattering ones courtesy of being younger and not knowing what you are doing) but this is the one I fell in love with!
So, to get to the point of this post- when I finished touching up my roots the other night (try to avoid putting color on your whole head if at all possible as this is much less damaging), I took my gloves off to find this...
And this...
The hair dye had seeped through my gloves yet again (it does this with both of my favorite hair dye products). I can not stand this. While you can remove 95% of this with nail polish remover, it still drives me insane! I do not want black nails every time I have to touch up my hair.   
I've decided that my next go around will consist of two pairs of gloves on both hands. I'll let you know how that goes- let's pray for my sanity that this does in fact go well for me! :)
Listed below are my two favorite hair dyes and why I love them so!

The delivery system for this color is oil which helps to improve the texture of your hair while adding color. This is also ammonia free which is another plus. It's fragrance is also quite nice.

This is specially formulated to add shine to your hair while adding color. Who doesn't love that? It is also much more moisturizing than most other hair dyes that I have dealt with.

As always, thank you for reading. Feel free to comment below with any questions or concerns!

XOXO - Megan


  1. Finally I can help you! Wearing two pairs should help. However I almost never use the gloves that come in the kit. Get a box of synthetic powder free vinyl exam gloves in a size that fits your hands well. You might also want to apply lotion or cream to your hands and let it dry well before putting on the gloves. You can get a box of 100 latex free vinyl gloves for under $10 at your local drug store or Walmart, Lowes (or other hardware store). In fact, the strongest gloves I ever had came from the hardware store. Good luck with this. (P. S. I liked you as a blonde, but the black hair definitely suits you too!)
    Now, what do you think about demi or semi permanent color versus the permanent color? I really hate the root lines as hair grows out with permanent color, so I use a demi permanent color, a bit lighter than my natural (pre gray) color. It makes the gray hair look like highlights, and washing no more than twice a week, it's usually time to do the roots before they are too obvious (6 to 8 weeks), and I never have that obvious line across the roots. Of course I have been told that some of the permanent dyes are more conditioning, or otherwise better for your hair. What are your thoughts?

    1. Semi permanent hair color is great. It doesn't damage your hair nearly as much as its permanent sister. This helps to maintain the elasticity in your hair (meaning much less breakage). It also typically comes premixed which is really nice! Unfortunately for me, my hair doesn't hold the semi permanent very well so I find myself redoing my hair in as little as three weeks later sometimes. I don't really see how a permanent hair dye could ever be more conditioning for your hair than a semi permanent one although some hair dyes now are formulated with some very moisturizing ingredients. These ingredients are typically added to try and repair the damage that they are inflicting while coloring the hair. Hope this helps! And thank you for the glove tip!
