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Monday, February 2, 2015

Easy DIY Hair "Fixes"

So, I know I've been MIA for a few days. There was a lovely stomach virus that decided to run rampant through my household. It has been fantastic- a blast, really (note the extreme sarcasm there!). Nevertheless, we seem to all be on the road to recovery and returning to our normal selves (thank God!).

Now, back to the topic at hand we go! While hugging the porcelain god, I started thinking about all of the nutrients that being sick causes us to lose. You truly can tell how healthy a person may or may not be just by looking at their hair. Crazy, right?

The key to battling this may not be as hard as you think. There are so many ingredients sitting in your kitchen that don't just taste yummy. They are also excellent repair wear for your hair! Pull certain ingredients out and slap them together to create a hair mask and voila! You have natural, conditioning, hair repairing wonders that bring new life to your hair.

I've tried them all and when I say you will love me for introducing these to you...I kid you not! You're welcome (ahead of time, of course!).

1. Fried, frizzy ends? Try this...
  • 1 cup of Apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 spray bottle
Mix the apple cider vinegar and water together and then pour into a spray bottle. Wash your hair as you normally would with your SULFATE FREE shampoo. Now, saturate your hair with the vinegar and water mixture. Allow this to sit for about 5 minutes and then rinse. Follow this with a good conditioner and voila! No more frizzy and unmanageable ends.

Apple cider vinegar helps to smooth your hair cuticle, restore the natural pH to your hair, and conditions to make your hair incredibly shiny!  

2. Coconut Oil Hair Mask to repair split ends and prevent breakage...(I am currently doing this one as I type!)
  • Nothing but Coconut oil. Simple and easy!
This little wonder is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, zinc, potassium, and proteins (which is what our hair is made from). Slather pure coconut oil onto your pretty tresses section by section and then leave for 20-25 minutes. Rinse, wash, and condition after preferably with SULFATE FREE (I will continue to put this is all caps until you listen to me :) sulfates are no good for your hair!) products. 

3. Avocado Hair Mask for endless, natural moisture... 
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 avocado
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. honey
Mix it all together until smooth and then work through your hair starting at the tips and working your way up to the root. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and then rinse, wash, and condition!

I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I do and, as always, thank you for reading! Feel free to comment below with any questions or concerns.

XOXO - Megan

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