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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Beauty Obsession: Eyebrows!

It is no secret that I am pretty picky about my eyebrows. I just like for them to look clean and natural. That's not to much to ask, right?

When shaping your eyebrows, you must remember a couple of key things...

1. You DO NOT want to over-pluck to where your eyebrows look too skinny but you don't want them to be incredibly bushy either. GREAT examples of No-No's shown below...

The eye makeup here is beautiful but those brows! They have got to go! 
I love Lily Collins. She is adorable and beautiful but those brows are far too thick!
2. You always want to give them a natural looking shape.

She looks like Ursula from the Little Mermaid...

Now that we've cover that, I'm going to tell you how I keep my brows in non-Ursula order...

I use a product from Hair Off called Instant Eyebrow Shapers. They are awesome! Let me go ahead and say that it will hurt when you use them. They are wax strips and beauty is pain, ladies! I place them where I want them to go and then viola! I have naturally shaped brows. This is what they look like...

Can be purchased here
The end result (with the help of dark brown eyeshadow, a skinny makeup brush, a toothbrush and hairspray to set) looks something like this...

This is completely untouched :) All I did was zoom in on my own eye.
If you have any question, just let me know! Thanks for reading.

XOXO - Megan

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